cause cold
chills me to the bones
C-allied says AWESOMEEEE
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Hello, im as sweet as Choc E-clair ❤ "I'm just the mere shadow of my former selfishness. I crave the silhouette of your kiss." |
Monday, February 18, 2008 @ 5:09 pm
The sky is high high high, and we go round round round the world,today im so pissed. i thought assembly would be quite relaxing. but then it ended up that i get so fumed up. tough shit:/ ooh man, in the first place, i think only bsp people should have the right to be entitled to it. & to speak more fairly, IT OUGHT TO BE A PRIVILEGE FOR SAP SCHOLARS! like why are ppl so eager to go for the 12-wks immersion programme? to put it bluntly, its ONLY for the sake of being able to miss EOYs?????! then this reason is way too ridiculous. firstly, we're the pioneer batch to be implanted this 3-months prog. hci, rv and dh adopted the same plan as us too for the first time. & its not as if they'll allow any of their students, NON-SCHOLARS that is, to join in to this prog. hey, we're not there to enjoy ourselves. WE'RE THERE TO STUDY, MUG, DO REPORTTTTTT and make sure we hand them up nice&sweet by the start of next year :D its smth quite tedious and of a higher expectation for the SAP scholars. We're specially chosen though the interview and we put in effort to fight for our dream, we go through nervousness for the interview, we went through briefing session and experienced the happiness upon receiving the acceptance letter...i can bet all these you've never gone through... we are proven capable and deserving of THIS SCHOLARSHIP IN BSP through the selection. & the implimentation of this 12-wks and elimination from EOY is totally UNEXPECTED, we dun even noe beforehand can?! thus, i only a SURPRISE AND A VERY VERY SPECIAL PRIVILEGE GIVEN TO US AS AN UNEXPECTED BDAY PRESENT. pls, lemme repeat again, WE'RE SAP SCHOLARS THUS THIS PRIVILEGE IS ONLY ENTITLED TO US! { Plus, i think we ought to make it clear that its not as if we skip EOYs for nth, instead, it just mean that we'll hafta work hard very consistently, and make sure our quizzes, assignments AND SIAs are done well, diligently so that when they adjust our scoring system, we make sure that our result at the very end, qualifies the passing mark. so if u think things will be less stress and can enjoy more being able to skip EOY, THEN YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG { so stop the misconception. seriously, i would only expect 15 ppl! BUHBYE, TAKEMYHAND:D Comment Here (: (0) / back to top? |