cause cold
chills me to the bones
C-allied says AWESOMEEEE
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Hello, im as sweet as Choc E-clair ❤ "I'm just the mere shadow of my former selfishness. I crave the silhouette of your kiss." |
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @ 9:37 pm
Efforts; bring them to our show, bring them to our audience, love and believe that we will rock the hse HELLLOOOOO im back to blogging again. ah, these few days are our last lap. So NYJF! JIAYOU! :D you know there's always a support from beijing! hahaha :D btw, i think im quite slow in learning. Like in fencing, i'll always have to trouble the people around me to clarify things. Grrrr...okay, smtimes i really really hated this. ahhhh...why why why? sigh, i skipped fencing today for lights with vivian @ SAC. haha we discussed and sorted our the lx cues, then we doodled around random stuffs like NYJF, XUN YIMENG 08 JIAYOU! woohoo :D i have sec3 batch 3> whees. lolll, and there's actually a grp of ppl having sabbats in SAC, and when mrs seah came out, she's like "the 2 of you actually on 2 aircons? wah, one aircon for one ar?" kkays, smth like that. overall, lx cues plotting are mostly done by jasmine. we watched and took down notes. i felt so so so tired after a long day in sch lorh-.- -yawn- and i cant sleep early cos i really hafta rush finish my cues! JIAYOU ARH! prod is on friday! sense of urgency :\ THANKYOU SO MUCH KKAYS JASMINE, YOU'RE OUR SAVIOUR! :D i really pei4 fu2 her, she can be so pro at theatre lx. and i sorta guessed lj is used to her speed. so i can imagine how me and vivian can die tmrw :P lj lao shi totally did not adopt anything from the lx plan we did ok? MY EFFORTS ARE ALL DOWN THE DRAIN WTFFFKK. okok, chill chill! sigh~ and even the actors can see that we're having a hard time upstairs, all the scoldings...D: now jasmine can forsee how we're going to feel screwed tmrw D: discovering your inner child; far not that bad. though its a bit dry to take in those stuffs in the morning. seriously, i did consider falling asleep but hahas, she's a nice prof. i shall be a good child too :D we made crowns, read stories and made comparison. eeyur, this little red riding hood poem is really very corrupted o.o so horny -.- rush rush rush rush life's full of rushing these few days. good thing that i took off my bandage on my right knee le; it recovered really fine, while my left knee didnt seemed to be recovering tt fast. now my ankles are in pain, my arms also, i duno. im aching all over for god-knows-what-reasons larh. my com leh...SIGH. hard disk is spoilt. so currently my desktop is on its way of recovering which i bet its lying happily in uncle edwin's hse waiting for recovery. i pray and hope and whatever that it would be able to get back the datas. Pllsssssssssssssssssssss! i dont hope for more liaoxx. just get it back! these few days r so damn hawt can?! i bet castoh is feeling so nice over at australia. omffggg. cas you better rmb us here. its shooting's bday. HAPPY BDAY SHUTING ;D yayyy. happy sweet 15th pinkishly scandalous shut-ing. hahaha :D guys, its 2 more days to production! hurry up, get our full dress done with the minimum time and oput our best foot forward during prod! :D JIAYOU. its a charity performance, plus ppl are expecting good shows from us, dont disappoint ourselves and the ppl who loved us, and those who supports our shows! :D C'mon, DO OUR BEST TMRW KKAYS? while i've to really buck up and work fast and work quick w/e vivian for lx. sounds too ;) i found my 2 idols! haha :P my life's quite disorganised and i did everything last min. chi SIA, thankyou so so so much yangxi for being so understanding. jiayou bah, i'll support you at ur chi dance concert de xD and june hols' i'll take over the SIA stuffs! yayyy! i have such a wonderful partner! TAKEMYHAND:D {P.S. yawn, so tired :O i really need a good rest. and rest well for fencing + HIGHLY IMPT LX CONTROL TMRW! WAHHHH} {P.S.S dance sabbats is so cool. they're dancing hiphop, and the song they're using is "Get Low" woosh. i bet grace is loving it :D} /edit} so i gave out tickets and for the breaks, its practically filled w/e prod stuffs. Argh, and i also embarrassed myself by trying to suppress my laughters on the bus. I'll be smiling to myself alone. hahaha:D bbrrr. i dunno what im talking abt now. Comment Here (: (0) / back to top? |