cause cold
chills me to the bones

C-allied says AWESOMEEEE

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Hello, im as sweet as Choc E-clair

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"I'm just the mere shadow of my former selfishness. I crave the silhouette of your kiss."

Monday, May 12, 2008 @ 7:04 pm

There's such a thing as keeping. A remembrance in one's heart,

HELLO asdfg1234!

look puhlease dont blame me for being emo, or rude on my blog, but i tried to keep things as low profile as possible can?! but i really cant stand some people's attitude.

First, plagarise and rephrase, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii some ppl are so good at it, they simply take your work and fcukingly put under their own column, assuming that things work that way. worst still, it totally doesnt fit there! and they insist on doing so 'cos they think their doing lots of work but in fact they give the least amount of contribution. I expected it to be sent by afternoon. I chiong-ed out the stuffs by the afternoon can, and you should have jolly well did your part and send by night to compile with the others' work. Yet you choose to do it during 10pm +++ and even have the cheek to call me at 10:45pm when people want to sleep early to do the part which is supposedly your work. #$^*&@ fair enough, you've "lots of things to do", in fact you think you've to "ALL" of it. wtffffffffk. so me, as a kind lil' gifl, finished up the part and the ppt. BUT what did u do?! included yourself in the ppt when the "me" in the email u sent is totally never involve?! and look at wad you did to the work which i've to wake up and do?! edit and lengthen it and include it under discussions?! for goodness sake, its 2 totally diff thing! aiyo, use some brain cells can?

Secondly, you sabo-ed me to wake up to do 2 hours of work until 12am and sent us the stuff at such an ungodly time ! AAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH.

Thirdly, next time, pls dont claim things yourself. Stop deluding yourself by telling lies abt you completing ur work while u did not do anything. No one believes you now, and you must believe me. pfffft;

THANKEW XIONG, AH JING! and YELLOW MOON LOLLLLLLLL for the piece of top, zomg didnt expect y'ppl to really get it for me :D


and wz too for the lateeee, really really late bday wish, not fair, you promised you'll rmb! hmph. >.-

my mood is totally ruined early in the morn due to some irritating stuffs D: poof. which is you-know-what. hahah last day for badminton module! somehow enjoyed this last session of it, now im itching for badminton game! hahaha:D

then was ranting on about LA SIA stuffs to hsiao chu, sheepo and qianlin. sigh. its the complaining over similar stuffs as the chem sia which pissed me off ytd night. crappp.

then lunch have to settle the ppt stuff and go get magic sheet w/e vivian! ehhh i really hope we can create magic nia-.- we didnt manage to find mr ng lorh-.-

then during eng lecture i really think jen's gp once again did a good job hahah -applause- jen is so entertaining. rofl.

then for the last 15 mins we totally didnt really discuss about our SIA, instead started our random complaints again and i had so much fun crapping w/e my teammates ahahahaxD

aft sch was such a rushhh. went audi to find mr ng w/e vivian again, but he ask us to go again next time to get our MAGIC SHEET. oh dear, pls perform some magic lehhh.

then we went KAP, zhuoya, me , vivian, the SMs etc. were there. then i rmbered we discuss a lot abt our prod and lx stuffs :D

we took down quite a bit of notes so hopefully it'll be of great help! :D


with so much effort put in, i really really want full positive remarks about our prod. though we're really super behind time, but i think if we combine the effort and cooperation of every drama-er! we'll be able to put our best foot forward during 23, 24th may! SO ADD OIL EVERYONE! :D zhuoya, dont blurrr le *giggles* when felicia is gone, its your burden le. nvm recover quick and CHIONG AH! tingchih also. my dear lx partner VIVIAN, gogogo! 3 cheers for lx! hahaha. SMs, directors, actress! everyone must work hard.

seriously, time is so tight. i've to come up with the plans and plotting really by FRIDAY. argh then every single thing is like due by this wk or next. so stressed up. and today's briefing and questioning by jasmine really sent me into serious business again. So much room of improvement, so many things to settle and lx ctrl panel is afterall so complicated for newbies like us and i need to get things done REALLY FAST. cos i'll end up missing class cip on sat due to cca D:

so chiong for the great success of prod ! YAYYYYY.

then went to lot1 to meet SASA, i went to choose present for sheepo <3> hah! then nicenicenice SASA got stationery for me at pop! which ahhh! so nice, you saved me from the stationery crisis :P 3 cheers to SASA! right now nothings in my mind, i just hope to push it aside for a while and have my personal space in my mind while i'll get back to work later! FRIENDS ARE FOREVER, MARKS ARE WHATEVER! lollll. true? hope tmrw wld be a better day :D and slowly, im trying to recall the deadlines i've to meet for the various assignments and SIAs. sighs, see good things last short :\


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