cause cold
chills me to the bones
C-allied says AWESOMEEEE
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Hello, im as sweet as Choc E-clair ❤ "I'm just the mere shadow of my former selfishness. I crave the silhouette of your kiss." |
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 8:40 pm
our 2nd last station before we fly back. 59 days to 12th dec. which means around 2 month. ahhh! I MISS SINGAPORE D: omg, so many of our luggages overweight by around 4,5,7 or 8 kg ! we each paid a fine of 47.50 rmb!!!!! D: my $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ , helllllllll lah!!!! its our 2nd day in beijing. lemme describe to you the hotel. basically, we're like ehhh, separated on 2nd and 3rd floor. all our room are like FAR APART?! almost everyone is located at one ulu corner, seriously i dont even dare to step out of my room without yangxi with me D: the hotel is totally like a MAZE. lots of corners and we've to turn 2 times before we can find our room, somemore we're all so far apart D: the corridors are so dimly-lighted. gosh, and the toilet wall is TRANSLUCENT! ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! wtf, PRIVACY PLS! heh, love the shandong trip. love ahjing jiejie! [3] muckx, you're so damn nice (: beijing...SUPERDUPERUBER BIGGGGG! shopping trip tmrw! :D had lsn td in beijing guangbo university. oh yay! i look forward to tmrw ^^ okayaye, i washed my jeans td cos i bought a basin to wash clothes. and now my fingers are dyed O.O gosh, DAXIZHIRI indeed. haha probably you dont get wad i mean, but its ok :D you'll noe if you have the chance. bought lots of food to eat td!!!!!!!!!!!! secretly sneaked out with ping, amoi and yangxi in the aft to buy smth. hehehe :P there's a 3 hrs lecture tmrw in beijing university and then ITS SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFGGGG SHOP SHOP SHOP . i find myself stressed over a lot of things. firstly, my flu is still developing, so i can never stop coughing, sore throat still on. secondly, zhenglaoshi is quite strict with us -.- thirdly, MY LUNWEN !!!! omgggggg, havent even started COLLATING result can?! im dead zzz -.- fourthly,eh we're meeting the highclass singapore business man working in beijing, so we're expected to be guai and gracious and ASK QUESTIONS REGARDING OUR PROJ. omg, i faint. my hair is messy now cos i keep scratching my head. STRESSED!!!!!!!! ok, i must go watch FULL HOUSE AND RELAX BEFORE ALL MY HAIR DROP OFF! zomg! buhbye xoxo C-allied. ms lee is here with our results! D: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! |